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  • &#8204;9月1日至18日&#8204;:申报缴纳增值税、消费税、企业所得税、个人所得税、城市维护建设税、教育费附加、地方教育附加、文化事业建设费、资源税(按月)、烟叶税、社会保险费、代收代缴的车船税(按月)、印花税(核定征收)。
  • &#8204;9月1日至30日&#8204;:申报缴纳残疾人就业保障金、车辆购置税(自购买之日起60日内申报缴纳)、非代收代缴的车船税(每年12月31日前)、耕地占用税(自纳税义务发生之日起30日内申报缴纳)、资源税(按次)、环境保护税(按次)、印花税(按次)。

euro dips, bonds heave aboard euro zone worries
new york (reuters) - the euro buffet a three-week low against the usd and bonds edged higher aboard thursday as spain's debt burden fueled worries of further problems for euro zone economies and restrained desire for riskier assets.
global stocks dipped while stamina and gold prices climbed.
a poor spanish bond auction on wednesday added to worries the conflict of the european central bank's one trillion euro injection of low three-year asset into the banking system may be coming to one momentary cease.
spanish 10-year government bond yields rose for lofty for five.86 percentage aboard thursday,shuffling italian rates surrounded their wake for investors fled apt the associative safety of german and u.s. debt.
the shakes follow two days of losses among stocks and additional markets afterward minutes from the last federal reserve meeting released tuesday dented wishes of further economic incentive.
"the euro zone firewall set up namely never huge enough apt save spain," said dan dorrow,,adviser of research by faros trading within stamford, connecticut."if the ecb were the fed right instantly they would be embarking aboard quantitative easing alternatively lowering rates,only the ecb is more passive in its near which is dangerous, and i think they are hiking a tightrope."
the worries joined a safety bid for bonds, with the benchmark 10-year u.s. treasury note up 12/32, the yield by two.1805 percentage.
the euro was last down 0.six percent at $1.3064 opposition the dollar having buffet a three-week low of $1.3033. it likewise buffet its lowest amid four weeks opposition the yen at 106.86 yen onward retrieving to commerce at 107.58 yen, still down 0.seven percent.
spain's spent of borrowing aboard markets over 10 years jumped 30 basis points aboard wednesday next borrowing costs rose at its bond auction. the yield premium over german benchmarks is immediately 411 basis points,ghd irons, its highest since late november ahead the ecb overran the market with three-year asset.
stocks dip, commodities gain
the msci world equity index .miwd00000pus was last down 0.one percentage u.s. stocks finished approximately flat only the s&p 500 registered its worst week this year.
the dow jones industrial average was down 14.61 points,alternatively 0.11 percent,at 13,060.14. the standard & poor's 500 index  was down 0.88 points,alternatively 0.06 percentage,by an,398.08. the nasdaq composite index  was up 12.41 points,alternatively 0.40 percentage,by three,080.50.
offsetting the concerns over spain for u.s. stocks was data showing the digit of americans lining up for current jobless benefits fell to the lowest among around four years last week.
analysts said the claims data and a report on private-sector jobs earlier this week may bode well for the u.s. government's warmhearted watched every month employment report, which namely due friday. the u.s. stock market will be closed for one extended easter weekend.
the u.s.opinion was within keen contrast with europe where separate reports showed german industrial output fell more than anticipated among february and british factory output suffered its biggest monthly fall amid almost a anniversary.
europe's ftseurofirst 300 index finished up 0.one percentage,,only banking stocks, many of which have colossal exposure to the region's lower-rated king debt,,edged lower.
unicredit (crdi.mi) and commerzbank (cbkg.de), which either have exposure to euro zone marginal debt, were also hard beat down three.1 percent and one.nine percent respectively.
gold, energy climb
spot gold was up 0.6 percentage by $1,628.31 an ounce.
investors covered short positions then a acute two-day pullback, and a crude fuel rally likewise buoyed the gem metal that sank early this week on disappointment beyond u.s. monetary easing saw fewer possible.
market watchers said some hedge asset might have dwindled gold holdings due apt stronger u.s. economic data and easing of alarms virtually european debt.
"a lot of the gold trade onward hedge wealth was specifically knotted to a new round of fed incentive said jeffrey sica,capital investment administrator of sica wealth management with more than $1 billion in assets.
in the fuel market brent may crude rose $1.09,or 0.89 percentage to settle at $123.43 a barrel,meantime u.s. may crude rose $1.84,or one.81 percentage apt settee at $103.31.
(reporting by caroline valetkevitch, additional reporting according emelia sithole-matarise amid london and julie haviv and among new york; editing along and andrew hay)
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